The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews provides ballistic and protective flak jackets to Israeli firefighters. Photo by Guy Yechieli.
To mark the 100th day of the war between Israel and the Hamas terrorist organization in the Gaza Strip, the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews released details of its 2023 impact, which includes emergency aid support for those affected by the ongoing conflict.
From Oct. 7 through Dec. 31, 2023, IFCJ provided $19 million in emergency aid and assistance to hundreds of thousands of Israelis affected by the war. Additional security measures provided by IFCJ over the past decades continue to protect and care for Israelis throughout the country.
“It has been 100 days of war, sorrow and uncertainty. But after these 100 days, and especially now with the global rise in anti-Semitism, the one thing I’m certain about — and gives us all tremendous hope — is the friendship and support from our hundreds of thousands of donors, and the millions of Christians around the world who continue to stand with Israel and the Jewish people,” said Yael Eckstein, president and CEO of IFCJ.
IFCJ will continue to support the more than 100,000 evacuees and displaced victims of the war with basic needs and other essentials throughout 2024.
“The Fellowship has been on the ground for more than 40 years helping provide for the people of Israel and the Jewish people. We were on the ground distributing aid on October 7 as terrorists were still roaming our streets, and we have been doing so every day since,” said Eckstein. “In many ways, our work is really just beginning, but we will continue doing everything we can to help people begin to rebuild their lives.”