Join us on our new Israel InSight Substack page

Follow Israel InSight to our new home!

Earlier this year, we introduced Israel InSight Magazine, the new online magazine for Israel’s Christian friends. To better serve our readers, we have decided to go the Substack route, with all of our content on our new Substack page.

Israel InSight includes a vast array of stories unseen in any other publication. The magazine recognizes and celebrates the values and pro-Israel commitment that Jews and Biblically-inspired Christians share. It also highlights the strong and diverse advocacy emerging as Jews and Christians work together on behalf of Israel in these times of increasing hostility toward Israel and the Jewish people.

Visit our new Substack page and sign up so you get regular updates with the latest news — and with events in the Middle East changing rapidly, staying informed is more important than ever.

While much of the material on our page is free and accessible to everyone, we have a lot of unique content that will be for paid subscribers, along with the opportunity to comment and chat about our articles, and have access to our extensive archive of past articles.

Those who have already paid for the online magazine will automatically get a paid subscription to the new page.

Israel InSight draws on over three decades of nationally award-winning experience covering Christian support of Israel, and Jewish-Christian relations. We believe that strengthening and guiding the two communities through this relationship is a crucial step toward a better future for Israel and deepened ties and enhanced understanding between Christians and Jews.

Israel InSight educates by…

  • Providing the whole story behind the often-misleading 30 seconds on the evening news.
  • Dispelling myths about the Christian/Jewish relationship with Israel.
  • Reporting unique stories about the impact U.S. groups have in Israel and Israeli groups have around the world.
  • Bringing the real Israel to life and deepening the relationships among its supporters.

Israel InSight motivates by…

  • Demonstrating time and again the blessings of the U.S.-Israel alliance.
  • Exploring tangible ways readers can support Israel through volunteering and advocacy.
  • Showing how to support Israeli businesses and fight boycotts.

Israel InSight celebrates by…

  • Publishing articles about the special bond between America’s Christian community and the nation of Israel.
  • Covering stories that reflect the miraculous positive transformation in Jewish-Christian relations over the last few decades.

This website will become your regular source of news and an informational resource.

If your church supports Israel and wants to help your members bolster their knowledge of Israel by having publicity available so members can find Israel InSight, let us know!

If you have a heart for Israel, come along on this journey, as a reader, subscriber and supporter.

Israel InSight is in sight — and we can’t wait for you and others to take a look.