January 24, 2022

Woke ideology, anti-Israel faculty lead surge in campus hostility

A pro-Palestinian rally at Arizona State University in June 2021 held by Students for Justice in Palestine. Source: Facebook. by David Isaac (JNS) — Pro-Israel groups working on campus agree that the situation for Jewish students is growing steadily worse. […]
December 3, 2021

Extreme university BDS resolution includes ban on pro-Israel kosher food providers

The University of Toronto. Credit: JHVEPhoto/Shutterstock. by Faygie Holt (JNS) — Just days before a report concerning anti-Semitism on campus is set to be released, the student union at a branch of the University of Toronto voted in favor of […]
October 20, 2021

Oberlin providing cover for professor who supported mass murder, violence in Iran

Bosworth Hall at Oberlin College. Photo: Daderot / Wikimedia by Dexter Van Zile The Board of Trustees at Oberlin must be very proud — because the college has now given cover to a former Iranian diplomat who called for Israel’s […]
July 3, 2021

Washington State’s 5th grade “Native Education” mandatory curriculum attacks Israel

by Jonah Cohen (JNS) — Public school officials in the state of Washington have inserted the Israeli-Palestinian conflict into mandatory fifth-grade lessons on Native American history. Children as young as 10 are being taught to associate the Native American experience […]
April 23, 2021

Speaker hosted by Temple U. Jewish Center calls for replacing Israel

Joyce Ajlouny. Photo from American Friends Service Committee by Moshe Phillips A speaker hosted by a Jewish academic center and a Philadelphia synagogue this week declared that she favors “a secular, democratic state” — that is, the elimination of Israel. […]
April 19, 2021

For student government, Jews and Zionists need not apply

by Zev Hurwitz (JNS) — The story goes like this: A Jewish student is elected to the university’s student government. The student’s fitness for office is challenged by peers who question whether that student can maintain “neutrality” on campus issues […]
February 12, 2021

The next chapter: BDS, anti-IHRA bills fail at Florida State

Florida State University. Credit: Flickr. Continuing a year of drama over the Israel-Palestinian conflict, the student senate at Florida State University dealt a large setback to the Boycott, Divestment and Sanction movement by soundly rejecting three anti-Israel resolutions. The resolutions […]
January 7, 2021

TA at Johns Hopkins desires to dock points from pro-Israel students when grading exams

Gilman Hall at John Hopkins University. Credit: Pixabay/David Mark. (JNS) — Anti-Semitism watchdog groups are raising alarm over a graduate student and teaching assistant at Johns Hopkins University who threatened to fail pro-Israel students, while also making disparaging remarks about […]
December 22, 2020

Condemning a Falsehood: Tufts students pass SJP libelous anti-Israel “Deadly Exchange” resolution

by Jackson Richman (JNS) — The Tufts student body passed an anti-Israel referendum last month, announced the student-run Tufts University Elections Commission last week, despite the commission finding violations in the election process. The anti-Israel resolution, which was introduced by […]
September 9, 2020

Deceitful Middle East Studies Association lies to defend cancelling Jewish students

by Winfield Myers (JNS) — The Middle East Studies Association, the largest academic organization for the field, has a long and ignominious record of defending apologists for Palestinian terrorism and BDS advocates, even as it opposes efforts to stem the […]
August 6, 2020

USC Student Government vice president writes resignation letter, citing anti-Zionist harassment

Rose Ritch wrote this Aug. 5 letter, resigning as vice president of the Undergraduate Student Government at the University of Southern California, due to harassment for supporting Israel. To my fellow Trojans, Today, I write to announce my resignation as […]