September 6, 2019

The context HBO’s “Our Boys” doesn’t want us to know

A member of the Israeli police and a Shin Bet Israeli security officer stand next to each other in a scene in HBO’s “Our Boys.” Credit: HBO. By Jonathan Tobin (JNS) The brutal murder of Muhammad Abu Khdeir by three […]
September 2, 2019

Will Netflix Make A Joke Of Eli Cohen, Israel’s Most Legendary Spy?

By Moshe Phillips Netflix’s “The Spy” is a six-episode series about real-life Israeli Mossad hero Eli Cohen. “The Spy” stars Sacha Baron Cohen, most famous for his 2006 adult oriented comedy movie “Borat,” as the legendary Mossad agent. Will Netflix make a joke […]
August 30, 2019

Puncturing the Big Lie of Palestinian Identity

Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas (center) delivers a statement at a conference in Ramallah on Oct. 18, 2014. Photo by Flash90. By Melanie Phillips (JNS) — Mahmoud Abbas, the head of the Palestinian Authority, recently claimed that the Palestinians were the […]
August 29, 2019

Israel can’t treat its own destruction as just another legitimate opinion to discuss

U.S. House Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) (left) and Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.). Credit: EPA/Jim Lo Scalzo/Israel Hayom By Evelyn Gordon (JNS) When Israel barred two U.S. congresswomen from entering the country earlier this month, I initially thought it a stupid decision. […]
August 27, 2019

Attacking Zionism through the Myth of the “Arab Jew”

By Lyn Julius (JNS) Anyone who keeps abreast of the growing academic field of Mizrahi/Sephardic studies (Mizrahi: oriental, from the Middle East; Sephardic: originating in pre-Inquisition Spain) cannot help noticing that the vast majority of papers focus on the purported […]
August 20, 2019

They praised the killer of a Senator’s niece — and then organized Rep. Tlaib’s trip

Rep. Rashida Tlaib. Photo courtesy JNS By Moshe Phillips First, they praised the terrorist who murdered a United States Senator’s niece. Then they were chosen by Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib to organize her now-canceled trip to Israel. Tlaib’s outrageous choice of […]